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Fun Facts: New Provost Dr. Neil MacKinnon

Here are some fun facts about Dr. MacKinnon, our new Provost, EVP for academic affairs at Augusta University!

  1. He was born in Nova Scotia, Canada and just became an American citizen in 2018.
  2. Met his wife, Leanne, at the University of Florida, but they are both Jaguar fans now!
  3. Co-authored a Canadian national bestselling book about healthcare called Take as Directed.
  4. His fourth book, about the opioid crisis, will be published in 2021.
  5. He plans to keep an active research program as Provost, and his research includes healthcare errors, the opioid crisis, and health policy.
  6. He has been very involved in Scottish culture, including serving as Vice-Chair of the worldwide association for MacKinnons, from 2016-2020.
  7. His three daughters have been Scottish highland dancers most of their lives, and his oldest daughter, Breagh, is a three-time US national champion in the sport.
  8. Many people think he is a doppelganger for John Travolta.
  9. Is not a huge golfer, but won a trophy and was on the front page of his hometown newspaper while in high school as a putt-putt (mini-golf) champion.
  10. His favorite sport is hockey and his favorite hockey player is Nathan MacKinnon of the Colorado Avalanche, but, sadly, they are not related.

Watch this video to hear from Dr. MacKinnon about what he hopes to accomplish as Provost!

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