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How to Stay Optimistic as a Recent Grad

2020 has presented challenges to say the least. It has been full of uncertainty. Even amidst all of this, remember that your graduation is a significant milestone to be proud of and you deserve to be celebrated. This pandemic will not last forever and life will become “normal” again.

Life is full of obstacles, set-backs and confusion at times, but it is important to be hopeful and optimistic about what the future holds. Throughout the course of history there have been plagues, wars, and unrest in societies. Most recently our nation when through the Great Recession. We made it through all of these times and we will now. You may not see it now, but your are building resilience and strength through this experience.

The best mantra to keep in mind during these times is “if at first you don’t succeed keep trying”. You have to keep picking yourself back up and to keep trying. There will come a day when you get the job you want and you will appreciate it so much more because of what you went through to get there.

Surround yourself, keeping social distance of course, with people you care about and a good support group. If you are applying to a job, consider reaching out to your previous professors or managers from a previous internship or job. Even though we are “quarantined” the internet is a beautiful thing and allows us to stay connected during this unprecedented time.

Most importantly, Augusta University is here to help and support you in any way that we can. Know that you are not alone. While we are in this strange and unusual time, there are some things you can do to be proactive, including working on your resume, building your professional online presence, or even applying to grad school. Augusta University Career Services is available and has ample resources to help you.

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JagNation is the nerve center of student life at Augusta University. We operate on a simple premise: We give you the information you need and want to thrive at Augusta University. Look for stories and tips to help you make the grade, land a job and enjoy your time here on campus.

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