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Interview with the 2020 Homecoming Duke

Student smiling on college campus

Homecoming is a time to show school spirit and celebrate the people of Augusta University. We had the opportunity to speak with the former 2020 Homecoming Duke and have him tell us a little bit about himself.

Rakeem Littles is originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He is a business marketing major and aspires to have his own business one day.

He is involved in several organizations on campus, including SAC, SGA, AAMI, and the CREW. He is also on the cross country and track team. He started running track in 7th grade. “I saw my sister doing it and I wanted to do it too!”

Once he graduates, he would like to get a position working in advertising. Currently, he is working on his own business as an entrepreneur. “I would like to have a networking agency and help companies spot potential talent. I would be the middle man connecting companies with candidates.”

Rakeem decided to run for 2020 Homecoming Duke, because “it provided a platform to meet and interact with a lot of different people. Homecoming itself shows an image of the school and I wanted to help reflect that!”

In his spare time, he enjoys handing out with friends, new adventures, new experiences and taking risks.

Interested in joining the Augusta University campus fun?

You can find events happening on or around campus at augusta.edu/student-life/homecoming. If you’re interested in joining a student organization, see our complete list here.

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Student Life and Engagement

Student Life & Engagement is committed to providing innovative programs to help students get involved on campus. We aim to give students opportunities to develop leadership skills and pursue their interests through experiential learning. Our team supports over 100 student organizations, an engaged Greek Community, and advises the Jaguar Production Crew, Homecoming Executive Council, and the Student Government Association.

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