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Kinesiology Degree: Is it right for you?

The Department of Kinesiology offers undergraduate and graduate level programs in kinesiology. Faculty and staff are committed to high impact practice within the context of a caring community, and produce innovative research that seeks to address matters related to physical health, intellectual growth and ethical development. Simply put, we are invested in developing good, decent, thoughtful people who can make our world a healthier place in which to live.

Kinesiology – the study of physical movement – has surged in popularity and is predicted to continue to grow in societal relevance. Augusta University students can choose from sports-related careers such as coaching and fitness instruction; or they can prepare for a career in health professions like physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition, health promotion and more.

What kinds of kinesiology degrees are there at Augusta University?

The Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology is an appropriate undergraduate degree in preparation for professional graduate programs in physical therapy, occupational therapy, public health, exercise physiology and other related areas. Students can choose from a variety of concentrations for their Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, including Exercise and Sports Science, Nutrition, Health Science, and Pre-Physical Therapy.

Students can also pursue an advanced degree and pursue a Master of Science in Kinesiology or a Graduate Certificate in Sports Coaching.

Career Opportunities

Our graduates go on to advanced graduate programs in medicine, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy and more, and into careers like sports medicine, sports management and marketing, athletic training, physical education, health promotions and education, and more.

For more information on receiving a bachelors degree in Kinesiology click here!

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