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Mina Momtahan, ecology major, has put her love of nature to good use

Mina: Nature lover & world traveler

Mina is an Ecology major with a deep connection and love for the outdoors.

Her love for nature stems from her childhood, being that she was raised on a farm, she actively participated in taking care of the land and gardens surrounding her home at a young age. Today, Mina still finds ways to surround herself with nature. Whether it’s going to the river, taking strolls with her puppy on the canal, and even traveling around the world.

She recently went to Tanzania for a study abroad trip, and performed community service by helping to build a living wall to protect livestock from predators living in the safari!  With her Ecology degree, Mina plans to focus on environmental health and hopes to one day travel to undeveloped countries and provide clean water not only for the surrounding community’s but for the land and surrounding species as well! As for now, Mina juggles being a full-time student, being in a sorority, and being the student assistant for the Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship program.

Want to transform your love of nature into a biology or ecology degree?

Learn more about Augusta University’s College of Science and Mathematics programs and apply today.

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