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The Dental College of Georgia: Spotlight

The Augusta University Dental College of Georgia focuses on opportunities, experience, and research and is the home for dental education and oral healthcare. The Dental College of Georgia provides dental education to the next generation of professionals by offering hands-on education through innovative research, patient care, and service. Join other dental providers to improve the oral health of Georgia and beyond.

>>> Visit The Dental College of Georgia

The DCG was founded to provide the people of Georgia with quality dental care by educating students in dentistry. As a patient, you have the option to receive treatment in one of our three different practice models consisting of student clinics, resident care, or in the faculty practice.  All dental treatments can be completed by the specialists in our facility.  We also serve patients in more than 20 clinics across Georgia.

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JagNation is the nerve center of student life at Augusta University. We operate on a simple premise: We give you the information you need and want to thrive at Augusta University. Look for stories and tips to help you make the grade, land a job and enjoy your time here on campus.

We’re a community of students, learners, thinkers and doers, and we're always here to help you get the most out of your new home-away-from-home.

We are JagNation, and we hope you will be, too.
