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Three tips to help you have the best spring break possible

Avoid spring break accidents with these tips from Augusta University Police

The days are getting longer and the weather’s getting warmer. That can only mean one thing: It’s springtime in Augusta!

Whether you’re off partying at the beach or stay-caying at mom’s (no judgment), security should be your No. 1 Spring Break priority. James Lyon, Augusta University’s police chief, has a few tips to keep you safe and secure

1. Be a ghost on social media.

Sharing too much information about your location on social media can be dangerous. It’s also a great way to let criminals know you’re not at home.

To keep yourself (and your stuff) safe, adjust your privacy settings to protect your location and use your best judgment when checking in or posting status updates. You never know who may be looking for you, so be spooky-hard to find.

 2. Keep other people’s paws off your drink.

Never leave your drink unattended. If you lose sight of it, order a new one. If someone you don’t know and don’t trust offers you a drink, turn it down. If possible, bring along a designated driver/good friend/adult babysitter to help keep you in check. (Just don’t get catty when they cut you off.)

3. Always travel in packs.

Traveling alone makes you an easy target. To stay safe, go out in pairs or with a group of friends. Create a secret signal or code to let your friends know when you are uncomfortable or need them to intervene, and be careful not to let anyone split you up. 

As always, Augusta University encourages all students, faculty and staff to take an active role in their own safety and the safety of those around them. 

For more information on how to protect yourself this spring break and always, visit JagSafe.

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