How can you “Do Your Part, Be Cyber Smart” this Cybersecurity Awareness Month?
The School of Computer and Cyber Sciences and the Cyber Defense Department within the Division of Information Technology want you to “Do Your Part, #BeCyberSmart” this month during Cybersecurity Awareness Month. We wanted to share five common thoughts/questions you may encounter during your time online. We want you to be cyber smart this month and beyond, JagNation!
No one’s watching what I share online. I can just share as I please!
Nope! Cybercriminals can learn all about you with what you share online. Think before you share your personal information online. Share with care!
I’ve GOT to have WiFi in order to work on this assignment. Connecting to this public WiFi network won’t be a problem, right?
Wrong! Public WiFi is NOT safe. Avoid logging in to key accounts, like your online banking statement. If you must use wifi while out in public, consider using a mobile hotspot for an extra layer of security.
Software updates are so aggravating. Are they even necessary?
Yes! Software updates not only improve the performance of your devices, but also increases the level of security for the device. Don’t ignore those updates!
I’ve heard about multi-factor authentication but it just seems so tedious. Is multi-factor authentication important?
No passwords, no matter how long or complex they are, are safe from a breach. Always make sure to enable Multi-Factor Authentication to ensure an extra level of security for your personal information.
I received an odd email recently from a streaming service I have an account with that seemed pretty urgent. I clicked on a link in the email and now I’ve been locked out of my account! What should I do with the email?
If you encounter an email like this, you’ve likely become the victim of a phishing attack. Phishing is when cyber criminals send fraudulent emails in an effort to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. ALWAYS look at an email to see who it’s from before you click on anything.
One last one just for fun…
“It’s the I.T. staff’s responsibility to keep me safe and secure online. Right?”
False! While the I.T. team is available for help should a problem come up, they aren’t the superheroes of every cybersecurity problem. Cybersecurity requires all of us to do our part to stay safe and secure online, not just the I.T. team.
In the event of any suspected cybersecurity threat, email or call 72CYBER to contact the Cyber Defense Department.
Did we miss a question you’d like for us to answer? Email the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences at or the Cyber Defense Department in the Division of Information Technology at
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Learn more about these degrees and other cyber certifications offered at the Augusta University School of Computer and Cyber Sciences. Apply today!
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